My site does not appear online or only partially appears

After publishing from Sandvox, some or all of your site may not appear online. There are a number of reasons why this may occur:

Browser Cache

As you open webpages, most browsers save the contents of the pages in a temporary location (called the "cache") to make it faster to open them again. An unfortunate side effect is that sometimes the browser may not immediately recognize that a page has changed after publishing it. You can force your browser to load the fully up-to-date version of the page by clearing the cache.

To clear the cache in Safari:

  1. Choose "Empty Cacheā€¦" from the "Safari" menu.
  2. Click the "Empty" button.
  3. Reload the webpage.

Similar instructions apply for other web browsers, but for full details, please see your browser's documentation.

Custom HTML/Other Code

If you have added any Raw HTML or other custom code to the site, this could be the cause of the issue. To see whether this is the case, validate any objects that appear incorrectly,

To validate an object:

  1. Select the object in the page.
  2. From the object inspector click "Edit HTML".
  3. In the edit HTML window click the 'Validate' button.

Use the results to track down the Raw HTML page, object or Code Injection that is causing the issue. You may find the "HTML code guidelines and tips" article useful for this.

Host Settings

You may have mis-entered your host settings and thus the site is being published to the wrong location.

To check your host settings:

  1. Open the Host Setup Assistant by clicking the "Setup Host" item in the toolbar.
  2. Click the "Edit" button.
  3. Check all Host settings are entered correctly and then click the "Continue" button.
  4. Sandvox will then test your connection. If the test fails, this is likely the cause of your problem and your site is being incorrectly published.

    Click the "Go Back" button and re-enter your Host settings correctly. You may need to contact your Host to ensure all settings are correct. When you are done, click the "Continue button to try the connection test again.

  5. Complete the Host Setup Assistant procedure.
  6. Publish your site again.

Republish All

It is also possible that you have run into an issue with Sandvox itself. Publishing the entire site can often fix this.

To publish the entire site:

Contact Support

If all else fails, please visit our support forum and we will try to resolve the issue. Please include the address of where your site should be published to.

Keywords: site, publish, publishes, published, publishing, online, on-line, on, line, appear, appears, visible, view, see, seeing, viewing, cache, caches, entire, support, partial, partially, part, parts, miss, missing, missed, element, elements, malform, malformed, validate, validation, validating

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